Sunday, May 18, 2008

Stacy and Trent

This is a double header Stacy weekend for me! Saturday I was with Stacy and Trent, and I have yet another Stacy today! Both at the beach as well!

Today however, my post is all about Stacy and Trent. You may remember them and their two dogs, Karma and Buddha from their engagements a few weeks ago. They got married underneath a draped altar facing the water at Seashore State Park, just down the way from where they got engaged. Following the ceremony we all boarded a boat to go to the reception at the brand new Lighthouse on the Cove. It's right off Laskin at the Oceanfront and this was the 3rd wedding reception to take place as they just opened. Check out the Beacon this week as they are doing a feature on the venue and will perhaps also be publishing some of my photos!

They brought Hawaii to Virginia Beach and did an excellent job executing their theme. I almost forgot we were still here in Va Beach. They are actually going to be in Hawaii soon for their honeymoon, but I'm still happy for a small taste of it. Greg Chappell of Astro Disc Jockeys also did a great job not only keeping the Hawaiin theme going, but keeping the party going as well. He was a real pleasure to work with at the wedding. Nice to meet you Greg!

Here are a few from the day, I'm off to wedding two soon!

Throughout the wedding and again while doing photos, every time a boat would pass they would get a honk or a hollar. This time however, Trent cheered on back!
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This image has got to be one of my favorites of the entire day. There's nothing ground breaking about a technique used... in fact... there's really nothing special artistically or technically about this image. To me though, it's more of a poetic meaning with an expecting mother and a grandmother watching as Stacy and Trent begin their new life together...
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Yes, James Bond was at the reception! With a good amount of the people from the Bond family there I just had to take a picture of James!
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